Who can do a test?

There are no prerequisites or requirements to become a user of the GaitSmart system, no previous knowledge skills or qualifications.

Anyone can be trained to use the system, we estimate it takes around 2 hours to learn how to do a test, understand how the system works and be able to interpret the results.

It took us a long time to make sure everything is user friendly and we are always improving this.

How long does a test take?

A test takes under 15 mins to complete, this includes set up time and put away time. If everything is set up patients can be tested at a rate of around 4 per hour.

Are there any contraindications?

No, clients just need to be able to walk 10-15m, this can be with or without walking aids such as sticks or frames. Prosthetics can also be used during a test.

How do I get a GaitSmart system?

Contact us for your unique quote, we have flexible packages that cater for all budgets. We want the system to be accessible to all.

What is the importance of a cloud based system?

A cloud based system has several advantages;

You can perform a test and access data anywhere with an internet connection.

You don't need the system to enter new patients simply use any browser. This can save time later when performing tests.

There is no local laptop trying to process the data, we have amazon web services performing the calculations. Security - our cloud system is tested regularly

Where can a test be done?

Tests can be done anywhere that is reasonably flat, and there is a straight 10-15m for the client to walk. No heavy and awkward mats or cameras to carry about or set up.

Are the results validated?

Yes, our sensors are validated to 0.1° by the National Physical Laboratory. See our research and publication list for more information.

Why is it important for a gait analysis system to be a Medical Device?

We have Bsi as our notified body and we work to the standard ISO EN 13485:2016 Medical Devices - Quality Management Systems - Requirements.

Without this it cannot be called a medical device, be wary of any device that claims to work in the medical field or a clinical setting without this standard or regional variant.

We also have ISO EN 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Requirements. This means that we can sell confidently outside of the medical device sector, Bsi are also our external auditors for this standard.

How easy is it to read the results and explain them to the client?

Our results are presented in an easy to interpret traffic light system; green is good, amber is a potential area for concern and red requires improvement. The traffic light system works well in communicating the results to the clients and patients.

For those that want the full details of the data our reports show the precise numbers for the test. This is highly valuable for a clinical trial to quantify gait.

If required, vGym provides appropriate exercises for the client to do to improve their gait. Collectively this provides a simple communication of their gait and a means to improve.

Can GaitSmart be used in a clinical environment?

Yes, we are a certified medical device and are currently being used in clinical environments globally.

Do I need any pre-existing equipment or requirements?

None at all. Our system is fully contained in the sensors and a tablet, the hard work happens in the cloud. Tests can be performed anywhere that is reasonably flat and has a 10-15m that a person can walk in a straight line.

How do I manage the tests that I have done on people?

There is no need for complex file structures to ensure that data is in the correct place. Simply add the patient to your own profile, then complete a test with this client for all their tests to be stored in the same place automatically.

This system is highly flexible for security and sharing, contact us to find out more.

Will the user walk differently when being measured?

No, gait kinematics do not change just because a persons being measured or is more conscious of their walk. Clients just need to do their walk during the test.

Further questions?

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