Falls Prevention and Frailty

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  • 4.4 million people fall per year
  • 3% attend falls clinics due to cost and resource limitations
  • 6 million frail people in the UK
  • UK Government Report estimates falls cost £4.4 billion/year.
  • In the US, a Johns Hopkins Report estimates costs of $34 billion/year.

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How can GaitSmart help?

GaitSmart can help reduce frailty

  • GaitSmart as part of rehabilitation process can significantly reduce frailty in falls patients.
  • This was shown in a clinical trial with NELFT NHS foundation trust.
  • See the study HERE
  • Additional quantitative feedback and investment in their treatment was also received very positively (see study report).

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GaitSmart can be used to reduce risk (monitor)

Use of GaitSmart can contribute to Falls Prevention.

About one third of people over 65 and half of people over 80 will fall over at least once a year.

Using GaitSmart the risk of a subject falling can be quantified based on the subject's gait parameters. The insight gained can then guide interventions such as muscle stengthening exercises using our vGym app or use of an assistance device.

GaitSmart & vGym can rehabilitate

Access to rehabilitation remains limited for the majority of patients

Yet rehabiliation after a fall or joint-replacement surgery is a crucial step to preventing future falls, a return to full mobility and successful surgery.

Read about our current clinical trial providing rehabilitation to hip and knee replacement NHS patients HERE

See our page on prehab and rehabilitation HERE

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Ease of use is critical when measuring gait. Many older people are not comfortable walking naturally on a treadmill but the same people are often happy to walk normally on the floor, with lightweight sensors strapped to their hips, thighs and calves.

How might we fit in the care pathway?

Gait monitoring with GaitSmart and rehabilitation guidance fits seamlessly into several care pathways, as recognised by NICE.

Find out more - costs and uses

Protocol for joint replacement rehabilitation with GaitSmart.